=== BookMyName hooks for LE-Certbot === The following **crude** scripts can be used as hooks to authenticate domains hosted by [[https://www.bookmyname.com|BookMyName]] (super cheap domains) using DNS challenges with this initial [[https://certbot.eff.org/|certbot]] command: certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-auth-hook /path/to/bmn-JXXXXX-auth.sh --manual-cleanup-hook /path/to/bmn-AAXXXX-cleanup.sh -d yourdomain.com -d *.yourdomain.com BMN has a pseudo API, though it's slow as hell to update (~15/20 minutes) Obviously: place files where only your certbot runs, lock them down to be read only by whatever user runs your certonly/renew commands, often root, and change the BMN_USER/PASS variables Feel free to have the cleanup script loop through a ''dig _acme-challenge.$DOMAIN TXT +short | tr -d "\"" '' and clean each entry, if entries get stranded, the answer would end up to long to validate a cert request #!/bin/bash # public DNS servers might be less sticky than ISP ones DNSSERVER="" BMN_USER="JXXXXX-FREE" BMN_PASS="plikplok" DOMAIN=$(expr match "$CERTBOT_DOMAIN" '.*\.\(.*\..*\)') # Bare TLD gets written off if [[ $DOMAIN == "" ]] then DOMAIN=$CERTBOT_DOMAIN fi echo "All Domains for this cert: $CERTBOT_ALL_DOMAINS" echo "Remaing Challenges for this cert: $CERTBOT_REMAINING_CHALLENGES" echo "Challenging Domain: $DOMAIN" curl -s -u $BMN_USER:$BMN_PASS "https://www.bookmyname.com/dyndns/?hostname=_acme-challenge.$DOMAIN&type=txt&ttl=300&do=add&value=\"$CERTBOT_VALIDATION\"" loopcount=0 while true do if [[ $loopcount == 40 ]] then echo "Failed to validate :-(" exit 1 fi ((loopcount=loopcount+1)) echo -n "Try number $loopcount ..." recordset=$(dig @$DNSSERVER _acme-challenge.$DOMAIN TXT +short | tr -d "\"" | grep "$CERTBOT_VALIDATION") echo -n "Found '$recordset' ..." if [[ $recordset == $CERTBOT_VALIDATION ]] then echo "GOOD!" sleep 10s exit 0 else echo "Having a nap..." sleep 1m fi done #!/bin/bash BMN_USER="JXXXXX-FREE" BMN_PASS="plikplok" DOMAIN=$(expr match "$CERTBOT_DOMAIN" '.*\.\(.*\..*\)') if [[ $DOMAIN == "" ]] then DOMAIN=$CERTBOT_DOMAIN fi echo Domain: $DOMAIN curl -s -u $BMN_USER:$BMN_PASS "https://www.bookmyname.com/dyndns/?hostname=_acme-challenge.$DOMAIN&type=txt&ttl=300&do=remove&value=\"$CERTBOT_VALIDATION\"" exit 0